Go Chiropractic | Happy Joints Healthy Life

Meet the Doc.


Dr. Govea's journey to becoming a Chiropractor began when she witnessed first hand the power of Chiropractic. One of her siblings suffered from chronic back pain from a young age. As the years progressed, it continued to worsen. After countless doctors visits and a round of physical therapy it did little to ease the discomfort. During Dr. Govea's undergrad studies of the human anatomy she came across a case study similar to her sibling's situation. After further discussion with her professor he simply said " she needs to see a chiropractor." The rest was history, after seeing a chiropractor, her sibling felt relief for the first time in this was without taking any medications. She thought to her self...

"I wondered, why wasn't chirorpactic offered as the first option from the MD?" -Dr.Govea


Dr. Govea graduated from Parker University. While there, she also graduated with Bachelors in Anatomy and Bachelors in Health and Wellness. But she didn't stop there; her love for animals lead her to completing Parker University's Animal Chiropractic program. Yes, our furry friends can also benefit greatly from Chiropractic Care.

Movement is life

Dr. Govea is an avid supporter of Yoga. Yoga is powerful and healing on so many levels - spiritual, min-body connection, strength and flexibility.


Dr. Govea is honored to have had the privilege to be guided by one of the most passionate, smart and dedicated chiropractors known to the profession.

Dr.John Donofrio BS, DC, DABCN, FACFN.

"I owe a lot of how I practice to my dear friend and mentor Dr.John Donofrio. He had a passion for helping people achieve balance and health through the use of his protocols ( nutrition, supplements, brain balancing, and chiropractic care). His other passion was lecturing and inspiring young doctors to be the best Chiropractors they can be, in helping others to achieve optimal wellness. He would say "Doctors!, The difference between the winners and the losers, is one more step. " His ability to identify the cause of a dis-ease always amazed me. He would take a perceived complex case study and make it seem so simple, he was simply a genius...I will miss him greatly!." - Dr. Govea


To empower the community with knowledge to experience health at a higher level and inspire a healthier lifestyle through the care of Chiropractic.


1117 Bedford Road, Suite B
Bedford, Tx 76022
(940) 441-3161

Office Hours

We look forward to helping you schedule your next appointment.